
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Not bad. Had a major 'information jam' though.

And sorry Zann, abt your passing of hamster. I felt like that when my first 3 hamsters died. *hugs*

12:10 AM


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Excuse me for the lack of professionalism this pic shows. The food was tempting me and I was kinda in a hurry to taste it. This pasta might not look delicious because of the lack of different colours, and the chili padis are hidden at the bottom. But i'm proud to say that it taste rather good. Well, at least the taste is quite similar with the taste i had imagined it. And the chili padis really added flavour to it. I dont know if adding of the ground pepper made much of a difference but I was quite happy with the level of spicyness.

The main focus of this dish is the big big white white scallops! I have never tasted much scallops so these big scallops were an interesting taste for me. The clever addition of seaweed is awesome. Since it has a crunchy texture to it, I somehow got addicted to the seaweed more than the pasta.

I cant blog abt food anymore. Im getting hungry just by looking at it. Hahahaha. I think im beginning to become a chili fan gg. I think i might consider the use of chili padis for every kind of dish i (am going/ will) make in the future, and of course, this does not apply to porridge. I wont add chili padis to porridge ;)

11:14 PM

Jrock rants

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Due to my intensive WoW gaming for the past 2 months or so, and Ayu's busy schedule (causing her to reduce the times she update her LJ with Jrock goodies), i have COMPLETELY MISSED OUT KAGRRA,'S ALBUM.

Seems like they are slowly bringing back their type of music for which they are famous for. As compared to the couple singles/ one album before Shu, they were like going the normal rock feel, but for Shu, they have the tradidtional Japanese music feel. At least for most of the tracks in the album. I'll always be awed by Isshi's superb vocals, being able to sing in relatively high pitch so that his voice suits the music type, and when in real life, his voice is deep. Prolly the deepest in Kagrra,.

Anyway, I think i'm going to like Chariots even more now. I just got their single (from how long ago i do not know), and the opening track is fabulous. Seems like somehow the band retain a bit of feel from Phantasmagoria. (Riku, vocalist of Phantasmagoria went to become vocalist of Chariots after Phatas disbanded.) Wait, come to think of it, I think Kisaki is the one who is writing the songs for Chariots, right? Whatever, I love Kisaki's kind of music. I think he might be one of the few people who can composed every Jrock ballads and have me hook onto the songs. No wonder Kisaki left Dir en Grey, or rather the previous build up of DeG, because he has different type of music direction with the rest of DeG.

Moving on to Angelo, I haven't really got into them yet although its the buildup of Pierrot (minus Aiji and Jun). I have to say as of now, i prefer Kirito's solo works.

Lol. And Kirito is sure scawee =S

"Pierrot initially had a different line up in their indie days with KOHTA (Bass), Kirito (Guitar), Luka (Drums), Jun (Guitar) and Hidelow (Vocals). However, shortly after recording Kikurui Piero, the band’s first indie album, Luka left and TAKEO (ex-Superstar) replaced him on drums. A couple of months afterwards, an ultimatum from band leader Kirito, who had a different vision of the band than Hidelow, delivered along the lines of “Either Hidelow goes or I do” saw the departure of Hidelow. Aiji (ex-Kalen) was also recruited around that time and Kirito took over Hidelow’s position as vocalist."

Taken from:

11:23 PM

Small world

Saturday, June 13, 2009
And the last i heard, Shar's combat instructor in NS would be.......John.

I can almost imagine Shar going up to John and make lots of jokes while he's trying to teach the rest. Ok, not possible because he might have broken whatever rules over there if he did that.

3:46 PM


Monday, June 8, 2009

*dies laughing*

11:21 PM

Pretty boys

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Just went to check Gackt's official site for the first time. Im not that much a fan of his but stumbling upon his music collection in my hard drive, i kinda remembered my Gackt & Hyde dream so i went to to check it out.

"Hey~Welcome to my holy shrine dedicating to ME"

Funny pose. And Gackt's way of remembering his anniversary is with a 2 song, 4 tracks single??? Ok, maybe he paid more attention for his upcoming "debut" of cross-dressing. I prefer Gackt in his "manly" style. He'll remind me of Mana if he cross dress. Speaking of Mana. That Gackt have similar website like Mana! I clicked on a link, and then i was directed to a puzzle-solving like website. I didnt even bother to read the words on it (but at least I was able to access Mana's site).

"Oh Im soooo drop dead gorgeous"
(the LOLZ. No offence, but Gackt has plenty of photoshoots like this. His eyes seem to be telling me "Im the King, yo. Bow down to me.".

This is much better.

HYDE!!!!! *askdjhgfdkdnfieif*

Got to admit, I prefer Hyde over Gackt. No, i'm not comparing them . Ok, maybe i am. But that's because Hyde's music is more rock than Gackt! Gackt is going more over to the poppy side. I think he wants to forget his past with Malice Mizer, since he's really into the showbiz more that 10 years and he was the vocalist for the visual kei group. Shit happened and he quit Malice Mizer (me thinks something to do with Mana).

Oh, well, he's married with kids (last i read abt it in 1999). But he kept really low profile about it. So i dont think people will know if anything happened.

I love his styling for Season's Call single. One of the best so far.

Not Hyde, but....Miyavi! Not sure abt the rumors that he's quitting showbiz after this last release. I even heard that he's getting married. But im too busy and lazy to confirm that rumour.

There was something odd abt Mivy when i saw this album cover. His piercings are GONE! If im not wrong, he has tons of them on his face. But they are gone. he has the spunky weirdo feel with his piercings but more mature without them.

And he's good with guitars.

Pretty boy :D

2:05 PM

MUCC - Ageha

Friday, June 5, 2009

For funny reasons, we are not allow to view the PV of Ageha.

But I digress.

This song is pwn. Esp the guitars. I demand MUCC should come back to SG for concert!!!!!!

3:10 PM

Gackt and Hyde

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Dreamt that I was in Japan and I *happened* to walk into Gackt and Hyde's autography session in one of the shopping malls. It was damn wird, because Gackt was overly friendly and all. I got his autograph, wanted to take a picture with him, but he pushed my phone away, took a pic of himself with his phone, and said: "Don't worry, I'll send it to your phone". I don't know how he got my phone number but he went on to put my number on his speed dial and sent it to me anyway. xD

Hyde. Ahh Hyde. He's cheeky. After i got his autograph and wanted to take picture with him, so i went and posed with him and all. Then suddenly he told me to lean in closer and i think i felt him lean closer till he touch my cheek, then....i woke up.

Fabulous dream, not because i got real close with Hyde and Gackt got my number on his speed dial, because i kinda feel we were like close friends (though not in reality). Just like the time i dreamt of Kagrra,. They were fliming their Kagrra, no Su in my house and I just sat with them, talking as though they know me and I know them. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....:D

8:33 PM


Ok, this time i'm really back. WoW time card just ended so I should have lots of time to for blogging.

Met the gang today at Seoul garden @ Marina. I didn't like Seoul Garden for the variety of the food they offer and going now, i'm still kinda disappointed. But at least the service there is ok, not too bad.

And as usual, the table which has Wang Ho in it, never stop eating. He has a black hole for stomach.

1:11 AM