
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Today is just frustrating. Omg. I rather spend my whole morning trying to figure out a list of wrong Actionscript codes.

Yeah, that's how frustrating i am now.

12:17 PM

no pain no gain

Friday, April 23, 2010

Finally, my hammies will be happy because their pics won't have to come out blur. Dark brown was nicer, but i got the silver one. Oh well, can't really regret now.

That's one item off my pre-Taiwan-to-buy list.

Think I'm going for a shoot test tomorrow :D

10:23 AM

i want potatoooooooo

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I'm supposed to be doing OT. But my mind wonders. A lot. Especially if your manager is not where he is supposed to be.

Lunch today was pathetic. I guess that's only normal after 2 days of leaving office for lunch (a.k.a eating good). It's so convenient to have a car in ulu places, but alas! Convenience was short-lived, as Serene had to return the car back to her brother.

We had Astons yesterday but I only ate the side dishes. Coleslaw was awesome, and so were the fries. Ugh. Thinking about food makes me hungry now. I wish I had some potato salad here...talking about potato salad, the one in Kenny Rogers was awesomely good! Ate sometime back and the portion was more than I thought. I could almost eat that side as a full meal.

6:12 PM

always look on the bringt side of life

Monday, April 19, 2010
I've been watching too much paranormal shows recently and i'm giving myself the spook before i go off to Taiwan sometime end in the last week of May. And it doesn't help that the paranormal investigation team did go Taiwan in their quest to seek out the horrors and the unknown.

I think i need to start completing the things I had set out to do. The first is one of the loves in my life (so far) - Japanese (language), and the other is one of the dislikes in my life (so far) - exercising.

Extremes, huh? Except that exercising will never cease and it will follow you wherever you go. While the thing i'm looking forward to do every Sunday (exceptions do occur because i was so god damn lazy one week), will have to come to a stop if i do manage to get into uni (or my course ends and i do not have the fortune to continue practicing).

Some people may not understand why exercising is hell for me, nor do i understand why some people are so enthusiastic about running a 10km every other day (*coughs coughs* my ex-tuition teacher *coughs coughs*). Of course i know exercise is good for my health, helps me maintain my weight (which exactly isn't any healthier either), increases my metabolism so that i can god dam slim down.
Swimming is good, but i don't want to wear a swim suit! I don't want people to lose conscious at the sight of me in swim suit (and thus causing their deaths). Diet proves to be no help because it is only effective for a certain period of time. In the end i still need my metabolism to increase to keep me happy.

Talking about Japanese, i need to visit Kinokuniya soon before my $20 voucher expires this July. I really need to get my basics right, and keep them sturdy before i'm even confident of going to the next level.

3:35 PM

An uncreative title for a boring post

Saturday, April 10, 2010
No dinner tonight. Lunch was (very) big bowl of fish noodles, which i thought i couldn't finish, but dad told me half of what i thought was noodles is actually veggies.

Bleh. Thinking of food makes me hungry now, but the only thing i have is instant noodle, and i think i am quite sick of eating noodles for today. Breakfast was fried bee hoon, lunch was fish soup thick noodle (the type when you eat laksa), and i'm certainly not eating instant noodle for dinner tonight, no matter how much i love instant noodles.

I love chicken chops. Chicken chop > chicken cutlet. And especially more if the chop has sauce. Western food near my house is ok, but i'm very positive the vendors added unhealthy amount of MSG into the sauce. So much so that i feel sick and thirsty when i get to the last few bites.

And the bun. Why do they have to fry the bun?? I wish they could just steam it. Or toast it. Frying the bun is definitely a no no for me. I love bread (or bun). I love it even more if it is plain, nothing inside. Frying plain bun is a huge turn off for me. Thinking of it makes me feel nausea now. Ugh.

9:00 PM