The moment when I felt my heart dropped from 10000++ feet

Friday, March 30, 2012
Thank you for igniting my willpower to do well. I'm not upset with you. A little sad, but when I look back again, I'm feeling more grateful because exams now have 60% weightage and you just spurred me to do better than I had intended at the start. 

Well I guess every negative events have their own positive outcomes. 

1:40 AM

tension gets the best of everyone

Tuesday, March 27, 2012
It is of deep regret that you might be a boss that everyone will hate.

6:25 PM

i should really be sleeping

Sunday, March 25, 2012
But I am staring at the Internet.

Things I'm supposed to do later today:
- Wake up before 10, best if 7 or 8
- Finish my assignment
-Look through everyone's work
-Compile the shit
- Finish designing the flyer
- Send everyone
- Hopefully before everyone start texting me for it.

Don't sound that much to do but it is a lot. I don't know how I am going to do it. Especially the waking up part. Sounds difficult already.

2:52 AM


Welcome back again, my very first laptop. I'm rather surprised you managed to last 3 years with me and another 2 years 9 months with my aunt. And here you are, back to me and still doing great (but not as fast as you used to be).

And now lets see if you can survive another year with my parents.


2:28 AM


Friday, March 16, 2012
Had a weird dream while napping yesterday afternoon.

I dreamed I was ostracized by people I know and made to sit with snobbish rich people I didn't know. They made fun of me coming from a humble background and kept finding fault with things I did or did not do. Of course there was an element of sadness within me...almost to the extent of being bitter and wished I was Kira and wrote their names in the Death Note, except that I didn't know their names.

10:15 PM

School, school, school

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Final lap for submission is on right now and I am feeling the heat. After so many years of education, one simply has to wonder and doubt the local curriculum. After 10 ++ years of "following closely" to the guides set, I thought university would have a more relaxed and "westernized" attitude towards learning, especially for a foreign degree. To be fair, that is quite true to a certain extent. The other side would be local lecturers assuring students the "more or less correct way of scoring a distinction in exams".

That is not wrong....but even after all this years? When everyone in the class is at least 20 years old? I got to admit having guide to score in exams makes studying easier, but in the end, won't that ultimately destroy the learning process? Everyone will be studying and memorizing for the sake of not failing (or score high marks). When the next semester starts and require students to carry the knowledge from past semester, most of them cannot even apply.

Writing this makes me want to boycott the "revision lectures" next week (where all they really do is to try and spot questions for us.)

10:01 AM