L'Arc~en~Ciel is finally coming to Singapore for the first time since its start up 20 years ago. Must really thank the organizers of Sundown Festival as they were the first one to successfully bring in 2 JRock bands in 2 years ago. It was probably the significant number of signboards screaming "LM.C" and "SUG" that made the JRock industry realised: Hey...we have fan base in Singapore!!".
Will I be going to Laraku's concert is still not definite because honestly, I'm not their die-hard fan. I If i go, it will probably because of HYDE. Make no mistake, I don't like HYDE because of his looks. His voice is awesome. I do listen to their songs here and there but probably not enough to fill out the entire concert length.
It is ironic or shall I say "ill-fated"? If they had made plans to come 5 years ago, I would definitely scream, jump up and down and queue for their tickets. Now, even if the GazettE is coming, I will be thinking long and hard about it.
I guess part of the JRock fanatic died in me when Isshi of Kagrra, passed away last year. Kagrra, is the only band I will definitely go to if they came here...but with the passing of Isshi, this will never ever happen.
Utakata will forever be special to me because it is my first song and left me a deep impression because of Isshi's vocals and the traditional music incorporated so seamlessly with Rock music.